Houston Real Estate Market Update - June 2024

What is Happening in Houston - June 2024

Below $800k Real Estate Market

In June 2024, the Houston real estate market for properties below $800k has exhibited notable shifts compared to the same period last year. The dynamics indicate changes in supply and demand that could impact both buyers and sellers.

- Number of Houses for Sale: Increased by 29.3% compared to June 2023.

- Sold Properties: Decreased by 19.5% compared to June 2023.

- Median Price: Increased by 0.3% compared to June 2023.

- Average Price per Square Foot: Remained unchanged at $167, signaling the end of the price increase trend.

- Average Price: $344,947 in June 2024.

- Month Supply of Inventory: Increased by 24.5%, reaching 2.9 months, still indicating a strong seller's market.

The increase in the number of houses for sale suggests that more homeowners are looking to sell, potentially due to favorable market conditions or a desire to capitalize on still-high property values. However, the decrease in the number of sold properties and the stabilization of the average price per square foot suggest that buyer demand may not be keeping pace with the increased supply. This could lead to longer times on the market for some properties and may require sellers to be more competitive with pricing and property condition.

June 2024 | Supply and Demand | Single Family Home | Resale

Above $800k Market

The market for properties above $800k in Houston has also experienced significant changes in June 2024:

- Number of For-Sale Properties: Increased by 14% compared to June 2023.

- Sold Properties: Decreased by 24.4% compared to June 2023.

- Median Sold Price: Increased by 0.4% compared to June 2023.

- Average Sold Price per Square Foot: Increased by 7.7%, reaching $393.

- Average Sold Price: $1,454,463 in June 2024.

- Month Supply of Inventory: Increased by 16.2%, reaching 3.7 months, indicating a strong seller's market with high demand.

Despite the increase in the number of properties for sale, the above $800k market continues to show robust demand, as evidenced by the increase in the average sold price per square foot. This suggests that buyers are willing to pay a premium for high-end properties, reflecting sustained confidence in the value of luxury real estate in Houston. The slight increase in median sold price further supports this trend, showing that while the market has more inventory, the demand remains strong enough to keep prices stable or slightly higher.

June 2024 | Supply and Demand | Single Family Home | Resale

Market Analysis and Thoughts

The Houston real estate market in June 2024 presents a mixed but generally positive outlook for sellers. The below $800k market is seeing an increase in supply, which could potentially lead to more competitive pricing strategies as sellers adjust to the new market conditions. The stabilization in price per square foot indicates that while prices have stopped climbing, they have not decreased significantly, maintaining the market's overall value.

On the other hand, the above $800k market remains robust, with high demand driving up the price per square foot despite the increase in inventory. This segment continues to be attractive to buyers looking for luxury properties, and sellers can expect to achieve good returns on their investments.

For both market segments, the increase in the month supply of inventory suggests a trend towards a more balanced market. However, with inventory levels still indicating a seller's market, those looking to sell can remain optimistic about their prospects. Buyers, particularly in the below $800k market, may find more opportunities to negotiate and find properties that fit their needs without facing the intense competition of previous months.

Overall, Houston's real estate market in June 2024 continues to favor sellers, but the increasing inventory levels could provide more opportunities for buyers, leading to a dynamic and engaging market environment.

Also If you're interested in staying updated on the latest real estate trends and market conditions specifically for Memorial Drive at 77079, click here. Our detailed analysis covers everything from changes in property listings and sales to price fluctuations and market demand. Whether you're a potential buyer, seller, or simply a real estate enthusiast, our comprehensive updates provide valuable insights to help you navigate the market effectively. Don't miss out on the latest developments in one of Houston's most dynamic real estate areas!