Houston's Sinking Feeling: The Unseen Threat of Subsidence

Houston's landscape faces an insidious adversary: land subsidence. This gradual sinking of the ground, primarily driven by excessive groundwater withdrawal, poses significant risks to the city's infrastructure and the stability of homes.

Central to the fight against subsidence is the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (HGSD). Established in 1975 by the Texas Legislature, the HGSD is a special-purpose district tasked with preventing future subsidence and mitigating the ongoing effects of this geological phenomenon.

HGSD's Multifaceted Approach

The HGSD employs a comprehensive strategy to tackle the subsidence issue, focusing on three key areas:

  1. Groundwater Regulation: The HGSD enforces strict regulations on groundwater pumping, ensuring that withdrawal rates remain within sustainable limits. This involves monitoring aquifer levels, issuing permits, and imposing penalties for non-compliance.
  2. Conversion to Surface Water: The district actively promotes the use of surface water as an alternative to groundwater. This involves partnering with local water authorities to expand access to surface water supplies and incentivizing businesses and residents to make the switch.
  3. Public Education and Outreach: Recognizing the importance of community awareness, the HGSD conducts extensive educational programs to inform the public about subsidence risks and the benefits of water conservation. These efforts aim to empower individuals and businesses to make informed decisions about water usage and contribute to the long-term sustainability of the region's water resources.

Recent Data and Ongoing Challenges

Recent data from the HGSD reveals that certain areas within Houston, such as the Memorial area (ZIP code 77079), continue to experience subsidence rates of 0.5 to 1 centimeter per year. While these rates are lower than in the past, they underscore the ongoing nature of the subsidence challenge and the need for continued vigilance. Find more info on HGSD

77079 MDWD Station Map

Subsidence's Impact on Homes

Subsidence can cause significant damage to homes, leading to foundation issues, cracked walls, and uneven floors. These structural problems can compromise the safety and livability of homes, necessitating costly repairs and potentially impacting property values.

Know Your Property's Worth

If you are a homeowner in the Memorial area at 77079 or Energy Corridor, it's essential to stay informed about the potential impact of subsidence on your property value. By understanding the risks and taking proactive measures, you can safeguard your investment and make informed decisions about your home.

Take Action Today!

Don't wait until it's too late. Click on the "Looking For Your Home Worth" button below to get a free estimate of your property's value and learn more about how subsidence may be affecting your home. Take the first step in protecting your investment and ensuring your home remains a valuable asset for years to come.